Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer TLC

Summer is upon us and the hot temps are beating down on our cars.  Your car’s well-being needs extra special TLC to get you from point A to point B.  Here are some helpful tips in preventative maintenance that will help you achieve the longevity of your needed transportation:   

Check your battery for a chalky substance around the terminals.  Make sure your battery is clean and free of debris.  If your battery is bulging out, it might be time to replace it with one that doesn’t pose a danger of exploding under your hood. 

Check your tires for even wear on the tread.  If it is not even, you might want to bring your car in for an alignment inspection or maybe it is time to balance your tires.  Needless to say if your wear and tear is at the point of balding, you should get new tires. 

Your car relies on a proper cooling system during the hotter months.  Bring your car into a mechanic for a proper inspection of belts, hoses, pressure cap, thermostat and coolant levels with proper ratios. 

Feel free to schedule a summer maintenance inspection with us:

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